Hostel Karlovac The right place for a different vacation
Recognizable for its coastal charm and hospitality

Choose your accommodation

Premium rooms

Double rooms

Triple rooms

Four-bed rooms


Six-bed rooms

Five-bed rooms

Glamping kućice
Osjetite prirodu na drugačiji način i u najboljem izdanju. Vrhunski smještaj do 8 osoba u najmodernijim glamping kućicama. Novo, drugačije, posebno.

Premium rooms

Double rooms

Triple rooms

Four-bed rooms

Five-bed rooms

Six-bed rooms


Glamping kućice
Osjetite prirodu na drugačiji način i u najboljem izdanju. Vrhunski smještaj do 8 osoba u najmodernijim glamping kućicama. Novo, drugačije, posebno.
What to do when you visit us?

Meet your new favorite resort
Hostel Karlovac, as the Karlovac children’s resort, first opened its doors more than half a century ago.
From then until today, it has become synonymous with the gathering of young generations and recognizable for its coastal charm, hospitality and numerous events.
Located along the coast with a beautiful private beach
- Capacity 400 people
- Summer terrace
- Congress hall
- Cinema
- Sports facilities
- Private parking
- Café
- Free Wi-Fi
The total number of guests who visited us in 2024.
Total number of overnight stays in 2024.
Total percentage of groups arriving
Organized events and sport events
Share of guests from the area of the City of Karlovac and Karlovac County
Average number of nights per guest

Our visitors about us
Hostel Karlovac
The hostel is great for organized groups of young people or for those who are not looking for luxury, and who are satisfied by normal service. The food is good 🙂.
Google Business / Note 5/5
Directly by the sea with wonderful natural environment, delicious and simple food, clean rooms, polite staff.
Google Business / Note 5/5
Wonderful place!! Here, you can play soccer, tennis and water polo. If you are thirsty, have some Karlovacko in the bar.
Google Business / Ocjena 4/5
Hostel je super za organizirane grupe mladih ljudi ili pak onih koji ne traže nikakav luksuz nego se zadovolje normalnim. Hrana je dobra 🙂
Google Business / Ocjena 5/5
Uz samo more s predivnim okolišem, ukusnom jednostavnom hranom, čistim sobama uz ljubaznost osoblja.
Google Business / Ocjena 5/5
Wonderful place!! Here, you can play soccer, tennis and water polo. If you are thirsty, have some Karlovacko in the bar.
Google Business / Note 4/5